Open Gym Schedule

Friday from 6pm to 7:00pm



Our CrossFit group class is a strength and conditioning program that builds general physical preparedness for all of life’s challenges. A blend of gymnastics, weightlifting, and mono-structural endurance, it does not specialize.

Personal Training

We offer 1 on 1 personal training with one of our highly trained coaches. Personal training is offered at any time that best fits your schedule.

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After School Training Program

Athletes ages 10-18 (case by case for under 10), Coach supervised open gym

Flexible weekly schedule and start time within allotted time window. Athletes get their own specialized program. Available to athletes of any sport. Coach present to teach and correct form.

Women’s Wellness Class

Our women’s only fitness class is more than a workout – it’s a celebration of strength, sisterhood, and success! Tailored specifically for women, our dynamic workouts, expert coaching, and supportive community create an empowering environment for you to break barriers and achieve your fitness goals.