/We are constantly looking for something. We are finding out what will be appropriate and what would be inappropriate for each person. Our first question in an assessment is “Why?” Why are you here, and what is your goal? Once we have this information we can assess to see which method will be appropriate to reach their goal. We are always assessing to see the direction of the path we are on and where we must take them.
In an initial assessment and each subsequent assessment, we look for areas to make priority and any imbalances. We will focus on areas that will give us the biggest return on investment and strengthen the weakest link. In order to find a weak link, we look for mechanical, strength, and performance based imbalances that can lead to injury. Injuries will prevent us from training effectively. We do this by assessing an athlete's strength, skills, weaknesses, and general knowledge to see if anything is lacking and compare to other athletes. We see what cues work during training and measure their progress towards the goal. We evaluate performance at periodic intervals and use that feedback to measure athlete's achievement towards the goal.
Assessments are not worth anything if they do not inform our actions. It doesn’t matter how much an assessment tells us if we do not implement it to determine priorities and anything that needs to be fixed.