Conditioning Split

The purpose of a training split is to consolidate stressors and allow for recovery within the week. Most people are familiar with the traditional “bro split” of chest on one day and back and biceps the next. Splitting up body parts or movement patterns to have a designated day of the week to allow for recovery makes sense. Oftentimes this training principle is neglected for conditioning work. Our bodies' different energy systems need time to recover after training. People recognize that benching everyday is not a great program but it is equivalent to 30min incline walk on a treadmill everyday. Yet many people train that same energy system everyday. To maximize results in both strength and conditioning, a well thought out training split is necessary. For simplicity we can break down conditioning into different time domains. We included a chart we use for aerobic conditioning above. The shorter the duration the higher the intensity should be. The longer the duration the low intensity it will need to be. As well as rotating through different time domains, it is a good idea to pair conditioning with lifting. This might look like short sprint intervals on a heavy lifting day or a long bike after a high volume bodybuilding style workout.