Mobility Progression

For mobility work, think of it as on a spectrum and depending on how mobile you are will determine what is appropriate for you. The spectrum starts with flexibility to gain range of motion and moves to stability work through the range of motion. 

One end would be basic stretching and the other end would be the classic lifts. The progression we use goes:

Foam Roll 

Static Stretch 

Dynamic Stretch 

Movement Drill 

Stability Work 

Positional Drill 

Positional Strength 

Main lift

Start basic then progress over time to more advanced mobility work as mobility improves. You may slide back and forth in this progression and use multiple in the same day but on average you should be progressing through it with increased mobility. 

An Example for better shoulder mobility in the snatch might be:

Lax ball sub scap

Box t spine extension

Pass through

Wall angles 

Bottoms up kB press

Sotts press

Overhead squat
