Appropriate or Inappropriate

Training is not good or bad. It is either appropriate or inappropriate. This will be defined in the goal of the athlete and the intent of their current phase of their training program. The athlete will adapt to any training stimulus presented, therefore every part of a plan must have an intent. There isn’t a right or wrong when it comes to choices in a program, but there may be options that are more appropriate. For example, if the goal for the athlete is to run a 10K race there will be movement selection, training volume, and training frequency that are appropriate or not. A 5k run as a workout has many places in their plan where it can be appropriate, but the morning of the 10k race would be inappropriate. As another example a powerlifter trying to squat, bench, and deadlift as much as possible. A 5k run as a workout as part of their plan will have much fewer places where it is appropriate but it still might have a place. As an example, appropriate far out from a meet in their general phase with the goal of increasing work capacity and GPP and inappropriate as they get close to the meet.