Warm Up Protocol

A warm up is when we get our bodies ready to perform. Our muscles need to be ready to work before we start training. This can be done in phases to reduce risks of injury and have a high quality workout. A warm up should have a specific focus to what the workout consists of. A proper warm up can be broken down into the following steps:

Step One: Static Stretching/Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball. This is when we prepare ourselves to move. We should pick one specific area to focus on and spend just a few minutes preparing that area to work.

Step Two: Start the dynamic process with corrective exercises such as shoulder rotation drills, cossack squats, glute bridges, band pull-aparts and scap pull-ups. 

Step Three: To prepare for the lifts to come in the workout, focus on the movement patterns you will perform that day. This may include slow tempo squats, box jumps, or pull-ups depending on the intent of the workout.

These steps should each be performed at the start of the workout before any training for about 2min each. A proper warm up protocol can reduce the risks of injuries and prepare your body mentally and physically for the training session.