HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) vs. LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) Cardio

There is a lot of debate in the fitness community about which form of cardiovascular exercise is best. It all comes down to individual preference, the type of athlete, and the athlete’s training phase. Each method of cardio has a time and place within a program and is either inappropriate or appropriate for the athlete’s goal. 

HIIT cardio involves short bursts of all-out effort followed by a low-effort rest interval. It will raise the amount of calories you burn for the rest of the day and is the most efficient. However it will cause the most fatigue. LISS involves a constant effort at a steady pace for a duration of time and it is the lowest from a fatigue perspective.

HIIT works well when the athlete is short on time. However, recovery from a HIIT workout will be longer since the energy output was much higher. LISS puts minimal stress on the body and can be more easily recovered from. 

If you are trying to build your conditioning from a general perspective, getting a wide range of time domains is important with a combination of HIIT and LISS styles. If you are trying to build your conditioning for a certain time domain in particular, you must decide which form is appropriate for what you are trying to improve.