
The purpose of each assessment is to provide us with our priorities or biggest areas of progress towards our goal in the long term. This can be low hanging fruit or addressing an obstacle before it becomes a larger problem. We need to choose a priority to focus on to allow our bodies to allocate our resources. Our bodies will not do as well multi-tasking as they do on a single task. For this reason, we focus on the areas that will give us the biggest return on investment. Strengthening the weakest link will often yield the greatest improvement. To decide the weakest link, we look first for major mechanical imbalances. Imbalances are the 2nd highest rate of cause of injuries behind previous injuries. In the long term an injury will prevent our ability to train as effectively as possible. After mechanical imbalances we look for general strength imbalances. We look at the ratios of our lifts to see if we are outside of a normal ratio between strength in squatting, hinging, pushing, or pulling. Last, we look for performance based imbalances. The ratio to determine the imbalance will be based on the requirements for the sport and the importance of each physical attribute in the sport.